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white album

美 [waɪt ˈælbəm]英 [waɪt ˈælbəm]
  • 网络白色相册;白色相簿;由绮;深爱
white albumwhite album
  1. Hey , have you heard the 2018 White Album ?


  2. Mcsweetie : I 'll see your White album and raise you one Smell the Glove .


  3. Beatles release The White Album


  4. The amazing thing about " The White Album " is its wide range of music styles and diversity in its subject matter .


  5. 1968-The Beatles release the double album The Beatles , commonly known as The White Album .


  6. In addition to its influence on Charles Manson , The White Album marked a particularly dark period for The Beatles .


  7. Beatles release The White Album 1968 - The Beatles release the double album The Beatles , commonly known as The White Album .


  8. Didion 's " The White Album . " I love the period of time in California she writes about , since it 's one I don 't know all that well .


  9. In the words of Paul , the White Album was actually the " tension album . " That tension boiled over on August 22 , 1968 , when Ringo called it quits .


  10. But Paul wasn 't the first member to leave the band . That honor goes to Ringo Starr , who quit back in 1968 while The Beatles were recording their famous The White Album .
